Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Super Doubles Week at Harris Teeter!

Today started a Super Doubles Week at Harris Teeter. Here is a link for FREE & GREAT DEAL ITEMS.

Here is a link to THIS WEEK'S CIRCULAR with coupon matchups.

Thanks Southern Savers!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New News and Observer Discount Subscription Code

There's a new 25% Discount Code for the Raleigh N&O. You can either go here to subscribe online or call 1-800-522-4205. Be sure to call or check online to make sure that they deliver to your area-the code is good for delivery, not mail delivery.

Expires: May 31st, 2010

Don't forget that you can get "Extra Sundays" to save you a little money. Head over to this post to find out what that is or to refresh your memory if you were just waiting for a new code or the next renewal time.

Check out this previous post to answer any questions you may have about subscriptions and delivery.