Sunday, January 24, 2010

News & Observer Subscription Discount Code

For those of us located in North Carolina the following code will help save you some money (& the trouble of stopping at newsstand to get a paper).

**This is only good on new subscriptions-you can not apply this discount code to an existing subscription**


This will give you a 30% discount on your Sunday paper, so you will end up getting it for $1.49/week (this is Sunday only-I wouldn't bother getting it for the whole week-if you're really only wanting coupons why pay for the days you would get them?)

The N&O Customer Service number is 1-800-522-4205.

****Make sure that they deliver to your area. This code does not apply to papers that they have to mail.

***This code will only last as long as the number of weeks that you choose. So if you only pay for 13 weeks up front, you'll only get it this cheap for 13 weeks & after that you can ask for a N&O subscribee discount rate of 20%.

1-Call before Jan. 31st (that's when this code expires) & ask if they deliver to your area. If they do:
2-Tell them that you have a discount code
3-They'll set up your account & you'll start enjoying your coupons-delivered right to your front door.

I would recommend getting the News & Observer which is the State's paper rather than the local paper. It provides a ton more coupons and higher dollar coupons for the same price you'd probably pay for your local paper with this discount.

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